The final result

Oftentimes in life, we take risks. It’s a natural part of life. It would be difficult, or at the very least boring, to find a life completely without risks. However, not always are the risks we take good ones. We seem to be drawn to taking risks, often when we know the odds are not stacked in our favor. And the worst part is, these risks are often the ones that are most harmful to us, because they involve money, as that is the one thing it is probably most dangerous to play around with. Despite this, it is the most popular risk.

In regards to this idea, I have constructed a sort of collage to demonstrate this idea. As I knew I wanted to use money and risk-related imagery, I constructed a pair of dice out of dollar bills and poker chips. Their position reminded me of the dice one would hang from a car mirror, and as such used that overall scheme. The face in the mirror is that of the quarter’s, and the path the car seems to be about to traverse is a narrow, winding, and risky cliff face. One final thing to note is the string holding the left die appears to be about to snap, indicating a risk maybe not worth taking. Overall, I think these elements combine well to create a very unique piece.


The final result