Nature Project Final

It is easy to consider mankind to be separate from nature. We oftentimes seem so distant from it, cut off from the natural world. In truth, however, we come from nature, we are a part of nature, and eventually we will return to nature. Upon starting this project, what immediately came to mind for me was an old abandoned house I had found previously. The walls are broken and bare, the ceiling caves in, and slowly but surely, nature is beginning to reclaim it. Thus, my project served to illustrate this fundamental concept of the cycle mankind faces. The diptych style of the project allowed me to create two separate views, one from inside and one from out. Both appear to continue endlessly, repeating in on themselves as the house goes on. In this way, I have visualized something not often thought about, working with ideas of decay and creation simultaneously to create something unique.



Nature Project Final


Here are the 20 images for our current project. I photographed this old abandoned building in the middle of the woods, and although some are kind of blurry, I’m pretty satisfied overall with how they turned out.

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