Final Project

It has often struck me that one of the bitterest ironies is the sheer multitude of people willing to ignore all manner of definitive fact are the same ones who never understand how we are failing to progress as a society and a nation. In reality, it is not wholly their fault, as there is an equally great number of sources vying for control in order to steer people away from facts. Facts seem to take second place when dealing with any topic now. You don’t want the facts to get in the way of the story. If facts are apparently so dangerous and malicious, why is nobody standing up to this deadly threat? Well, now someone has. With my project, I attempted to create a poster warning people away from the dangers of facts and malicious “truth”. In this obvious satire, I hope I can, at the very least, allow people to consider where the things they say come from.realfinalnew

Final Project

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